Artwork: Ander Zangitu Orbea

Aste hontako aurrerapenetan… / This week promos…

Proceed, Joaquin Cornejo, Toki Fuko, Ben Hauke, Zito Mowa, Foreign Material, Addison Groove, Manganese eta Blixaboy-ren hurrengo lanak…

…eta askoz gehiago. / …and many more.


  1. Proceed – Interpersonal (Haus Of Beats Diskak) out soon
  2. Joaquin Cornejo – Komorebi feat. Wabi Sabi (Earthly Measures) out 10 apr
  3. Toki Fuko – Dub Tales (Retouched Mix) (Siena) out 10 apr
  4. Ben Hauke – Installs (Yam Records) out 10 apr
  5. Zito Mowa – Bop Skip Doodle (Stay True Sounds) out 10 apr
  6. Foreign Material – An Infinity Of Sand (Crossing Avenue Mix) (Supercinema) out 10 apr
  7. Addison Groove – Cider Was Stronger Than The Weed (Gutterfunk) out 10 apr
  8. Manganese – A Safe Place To Live (Berlin Bass Collective) out 7 apr
  9. Blixaboy – Air Maidens (Wolf Trap) out 16 apr
  10. Sangam & Pixelord – Process Cold (Hyperboloid Records, 2020)
  11. Avision – Over And Under (Mike Denhert Remix) (Teksupport Records, 2019)
  12. Sinfol – Undisputed (Anagram, 2020)
  13. Omar S – You Want The Best (FXHE, 2020)
  14. The True Underground Sound Of Rome – Goa-Goa (Male Productions, 1991)
  15. Forces Of Nature – Cool Spot (PFM Mix) (Clean Up Records, 1996)
  16. [RIP] Victor Nubla – Danza Uraniana (EGK, 1986)

Hurrengo podcasta

ULU - ULU KLUBA #45 Mortimer Fintx confined etxekoi

al. Api 6 , 2020

Podcast gehiago

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