Zaratak ez du etenik urte berrian

Urte berriarekin zarata gabe ez zarete geratuko, ez Arraio Irratian eta ezta Arrosa Sarean ere. Aste honetako ZarataZarautz irratsaioan ordu eta erdiko zarata dosia prestatu dugu.

ZarataZarautz 2018-01-02


Motorhead–> (We Are) The Road Crew
Extortion–> Medication
Memory Loss–> Staring At The Sun
Uther–> Die Arbeit
Makach–> Creve Hippie Creve
Pura Mania–> La Peste
Ferida–> Treu La Rabia
Los Crudos–> Achicados
Controlled Existence–> Resina En La Alma
Dropdead–> Superior
Paniko–> Hogar Seguro
Municipal Waste–> The Executioner/Sweet Attack
Vittna–> Death To Us All
Gaitze–> Dirua
Asocial–> Dod At Kapitalismen
Human Error–> Formatalt Koztudat
Subverse–> Subversion
Long Knife–> Possession In The Alley
Quiestion–> A New You
Nature Boys–> Scum Like Us
Snafu–> Zombie

Hurrengo podcasta

Bon Vivant! 2018-01-04 - RemakinG the PasT

og. Urt 4 , 2018