Aste hontako promoetan… / This week promos…

Colloboh, Graph, The Human Touch, Roe Deers, Reid Willis, Promising Youngster, Stecher, Pressa x Drumskull eta KiNK-en hurrengo lanak…

…eta askoz gehiago. / …and many more.


1.Colloboh – Mystic You (Leaving Records) out5may

2. Graph – Instabil (Krachladen Dub) out5may

3. The Human Touch – Dark Party (2023 Dub Edit) (The Human Touch) out15may

4. Roe Deers ft. Aquarius Heaven – Walking Down The Streets (Chez De Milo Remix) (Good Skills) out4may

5. Reid Willis – Shoulder The Burden (Mesh) out11may

6. Promising Youngster – Cowgirl (Several Roots) out5may

7. Stecher – 100000 ft. Avex (Nia) out12may

8. Pressa x Drumskull – Dream Machine (Drumskull) out12may

9. KiNK – For The People (Hypercolour) out26may

10. Mount Kimbie & Kai Campos – Zone 3 (City Limits) (Ploy Remix) (Warp Records, 2023)

11. Photonz – Orpheus (One Eyed Jack, 2023)

12. Sababa 5 – Popcorn (Batov Records, 2022)

13. Fleck E.S.C. – Invisible (Science Cult, 2023)

14. Miko & Mubare – Komoma Ya Ya Ya (Dean Records, 1986)

15. Carlos Perón – Dropouts (Milan, 1984)

16. Victrola – Maritime Tatami (Electric Eye Records, 1983)

Hurrengo podcasta

Oroimen Histerikoa #10: Lo eta lo, potolo!

ar. Mai 2 , 2023

Podcast gehiago

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