
2022ko 48orduk – B aldea – the kinks

48h.08.KRITIKAL BLUES   2022-04-09
Zorionak Radixu 31.urteurrenin!!
Hauxe gure aportaziñoi 48 orduko etenik baiko irratsaixo berezixin. GontzalBlues eta The Kinks taldin monografiku.

monografiku – the kinks
1. Milk Cow Blues
2. Introduction To Solution
3. You Can’t Stop the Music
4. All Day And All Of The Night
5. Money Talks
6. You really got me
7. I Need You
8. Such A Shame
9. Sunny Afternoon
10. Waterloo Sunset
11. Afternoon Tea
12. Victoria
13. Rosey Won’t You Please Come Home
14. Lola [Live]
15. Louie, Louie
16. Money & Corruption
17. Everybody’s a Star (Starmaker)
18. A Rock ‘N’ Roll Fantasy
19. The Poseur
20. Got Love If You Want It
21. Deadend Street
22. Lost and found
23. Till The End Of The Day
24. Long Tall Sally

Hurrengo podcasta

Kera Deia | Jerry Reed

ig. Api 10 , 2022
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