Artwork: @ibon_odriozola_design


Aste hontako promoetan.. / This week promos…

Cabaret Du Ciel, Pauline Anna Strom, Boris Acket, The Duty Freedom, El nino diablo, Athlete Whippet, DMX Krew eta Beyond The Struttosphere-ren hurrengo lanak…

…eta askoz gehiago. / …and many more



* Cabaret Du Ciel – Different Suns (Quindi Records) out mid jan
* Pauline Anna Strom – Marking Time (RVNG Intl.) out19feb
* Boris Acket – Chapter 1: Lightbulb On Ceiling, Wind Through Curtains (De Lichting) out12mar
* The Duty Freedom – Chronic Durations (SNC Recs) out6feb
* El Nino Diablo – Collateral Beauty (elninodiablomusic) out15jan
* Athlete Whippet – Take It Back (Blaq Numbers) out11jan
* DMX Krew – New Sty (Hypercolour) out26feb
* Beyond The Struttosphere – Celestial Drift (Roliva Remix) (Mélopée Records) out24feb
* Sebastián Defranchesco – La Libertad (Not On Label, 2020)
* Victor Malloy & Lee Jones – Pablo (Mad As Hell Media, 2020)
* Sepehr – Cloak Of Flames (Shaytoon, 2020)
* I-Robots – Frau (Andrei Orlov Remix) (Opilec Music, 2020)
* A.L. – Manuel Ist Unehrlich (Sandwich Records / Insane Music, 1981)
* Hiroshi Yoshimura – Creek (AIR Records Inc., 1986)
* Chic – I Want Your Love (Atlantic, 1978)


Hurrengo podcasta

SAREAN ZEHAR: 308. edizioa

ar. Urt 12 , 2021

Podcast gehiago

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