Artwork: Tar Talorea


Aste hontako promoetan… / This weeks promos…

Ross Harper, Pantha Du Prince, Dj Steaw, Kerrie, Cyan85, Neal Burroughs, Moff eta Nicolas Bougaieff-en hurrengo lanak…

…eta askoz gehiago. / …and many more.



  1. Ross Harper – Low (City Wall Records) out 31 jul
  2. Pantha Du Prince – The Crown Territory (Roman Flugel Remix) (Modern Recordings) out tbc 2020
  3. Dj Steaw – Freee (Hot Haus Recs) out tbc 2020
  4. Kerrie – Magneticon (I Love Acid) out 29 jul
  5. Cyan85 – Time Elapsed (Voitax) out 27 jul
  6. Neal Burroughs – Can’t (Paraiso) out 24 jul
  7. Moff – Dad Got Me A Bag Of Papyrus (Rakete) out tbc 2020
  8. Nicolas Bougaieff – Nexus (Sam KDC Remix) (Mute) out 24 jul
  9. Deadbeat & Paul St. Hilaire – Check What Time It Is (Another Moon, 2020)
  10. Black Devil Disco Club – Sweet Sins (Lo Recordings, 2020)
  11. Jahjaylee – Right, Right, Right (Fantastic Voyage, 2020)
  12. Arnaud Rebotini – Clean And Neat (Black Strobe Records, 2020)
  13. Scuba – Green Light (Ovum, 2000)
  14. Manna – Secret Life Of Bass (Apollo, 1995)
  15. Space Opera – Electrowave (R&S Records, 1995)

Hurrengo podcasta

BESTE BAT: Maisha MC x 3

al. Uzt 20 , 2020

Podcast gehiago

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