Artwork: Jabier Rodriguez


Aste hontako aurrerapenetan… / This week promos…

Niecesandnephews, Hyperactive Leslie, Orsery, Mentrix, Alex Bayly, Mahakala, Cocktail Party Effect eta Locked Groove-ren hurrengo lanak…

…eta askoz gehiago. / …and many more.



  1. Niecesandnephews – Out There feat. Lo Gwynn (Not On Label) out 7 may
  2. Hyperactive Leslie – Slow (Crowdspacer Airfono) out 24 apr
  3. Orsery – Behike (Slowciety) out 1 may
  4. Mentrix – Nature (Deadbeat’s Internal War Dub) (House Of Strenght) out 6 may
  5. Alex Bayly – Loving Hands You Hide (Traynor Remix) (Traynor Music) out 2020 tbc
  6. Mahakala – Tomahawk (Mahakala) out 1 may
  7. Cocktail Party Effect – PDA (Tectonic Recordings) out 1 may
  8. Locked Groove – Ultra Violence (Locked Groove Records) out 24 apr
  9. Arnaud Rebotini – Minimize Contact Between People (Black Strobe Records, 2020)
  10. 96 Back – Cosied By (Hypercolour, 2020)
  11. Ricardo Tobar – After The Movie (Plaid Remix) (Musar, 2020)
  12. Pelacha – Analogic Swing (Redsonja Records, 2012)
  13. Jimi Tenor – Total Devastation (Swag Mix) (Warp, 1999)
  14. Waterlillies – Tempted (Apple Crumble Mix) (Sire / Reprise Records, 1993)
  15. Ron Trent – Seduction (Subwoofer, 1995)


Hurrengo podcasta

BESTE BAT: Estitxu x 4

al. Api 27 , 2020
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