
Kritikal Blues 2015-03-19


Aste hontan lau tarteaz gatoz.
Lehenengokun Travellin’ Brothers zoriontzeko ibili dou, bigarrena DIFUNTUN TARI ixan da ta bertan Elmore James-eatxik ibili gaz berbetan, hirugarrenin DATOZEN KONTZERTUK-tan Carvin Jones eta Jimmy Bartanek Bilbon emongo daben kontzertuatxik ibili gaz, ordu be pasata, agurtzeko, FACEKO LAUNAK-in akorda gaz.

Travellin’ Brothers zoriontzen
1. I got a woman
2. Midnight train
3. Creole queen
4. Swing and jive
Difuntun tarti – Elmore James
5. Madison Blues
6. Stormy monday blues
7. Dust my broom
8. I can’t hold out
9. The sky is crying
10. Rollin’ and tumblin’
11. Standing at the crossroads
12. Shake your money maker
Datozen kontzertuk – Carvin Jones Band eta Jimmy Barnatan
13. Put three candles on the road
14. After the blues times
15. Voodoo child
16. Going down
17. Rollover woman
18. Carvinator
19. Party Hardy (feat. Jimmy Barnatan)
20. San Ho Zay
Faceko launak
21. Orianthi – How do you Sleep
22. Colell-Winfield Blues Band – Cold wind blues

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og. Mar 19 , 2015